In the News



Mobile wood-fired ovens. Medieval baking lore becomes trend-making technology! The country’s finest mobile oven manufacturer, Fire Within, invites Michael to host their 43rd annual University in Denver, CO. Click on the image for the story.

breads from sister cities: savoring the best from paris and san francisco

Writer and Francophile Martha Sessums gets Michael to explain what the baking traditions of these two great bread cities share. And what makes each one different and distinctive. Read her story from France Today Magazine.

Maine Grains Beer & Bread

Can you pair beer with different breads? To find out, Michael conducts a tasting seminar for Maine Grains and members of the Maine Brewers Association. Click on the image to read the story from the Portland Press Herald.

Univeristy of Missouri

What about an entire dinner featuring local grains? Michael collaborates with James Bread nominee Josh Galliano of Companion Bakery in St. Louis, MO. Together they explore the flavor and texture possibilities using locally-soured grains, vegetables, and proteins. Click on the image for the story.

For the bread formulas, click here.

Northwestern University

The following is placeholder text. Fusce at massa nec sapien auctor gravida in in tellus. Click on the image for the story.